
As a member of DBM Global’s Medical Plan, we offer telehealth services 24/7. Members of the benefit plan may contact MeMD anytime, from anywhere and from any device for free. It’s quick and easy to connect with a healthcare physician over the phone or video, and all consultations are convenient, private, and secure. Prescriptions can also be sent to your local pharmacy, if medically necessary.

Licensed physicians can help you with conditions such as allergies, cold/flu, pink eye, sinus infection, and more. MeMD also has licensed counselors who provide behavioral health services free of charge to members of the benefit plan.

Call (855) 636-3669 or sign up online.

Download the mobile app
It’s simple, convenient and affordable. The MeMD app is an easy and trusted way to access board-certified medical providers and licensed therapists on demand for all your basic health and wellness needs.

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